Our fees
Your own e-voucher website with shopspa
Free Setup
No monthly subscription/retainer fees
Your own branded e-voucher website
Your own branded e-Vouchers
Customers can't discover other spas when on your voucher website
Your own gift voucher redemption system
Realtime sales tracking & reporting
You are paid for all online voucher purchases, not just when vouchers are redeemed
Monthly email marketing
Google advertising during special occasions
Facebook advertising during special occasions
Automatic follow-ups with customers who have added vouchers to their shopping cart but not purchased
Includes GDPR compliance so you can sell to international customers
Free uploads of monthly specials
Free consulting regarding types of specials to run
Includes updates and future feature upgrades
Ability to run your own one-day-only voucher special uploads
Customer support for your clients
Increased Spa Partner's online revenue by 60% in 2019
Access to ShopSpa's knowledgebase to increase sales - based on experience gathered from sending over 20 000 vouchers
Hiring web developer to custom build a voucher website
Custom Build
Free Setup
No monthly subscription/retainer fees
Your own branded e-voucher website
Your own branded e-Vouchers
Customers can't discover other spas when on your voucher website
Your own gift voucher redemption system
Realtime sales tracking & reporting
You are paid for all online voucher purchases, not just when vouchers are redeemed
Email marketing
Google advertising
Facebook advertising
Automatic follow-ups with customers who have added vouchers to their shopping cart but not purchased
Includes GDPR compliance so you can sell to international customers
24/7 online chat support with real people that captures leads for your business
Free uploads of monthly specials
Free consulting regarding types of specials to run
Includes updates and future feature upgrades
Ability to run your own one-day-only voucher special uploads
Customer support for your clients
Increased Spa Partner's online revenue by 60% in 2019
Access to ShopSpa's knowledgebase to increase sales - based on experience gathered from sending over 10 000 vouchers
Utilising an online spa directory or e-voucher marketplace
Voucher Marketplace
Free Setup
No monthly subscription/retainer fees
Your own branded e-voucher website
Your own branded e-Vouchers
Customers can't discover other spas when on your voucher website
Your own gift voucher redemption system
Realtime sales tracking & reporting
You are paid for all online voucher purchases, not just when vouchers are redeemed
Email marketing - bundled with other spas
Google advertising - bundled with other spas
Facebook advertising - bundled with other spas
Automatic follow-ups with customers who have added vouchers to their shopping cart but not purchased
Includes GDPR compliance so you can sell to international customers
24/7 online chat support with real people that captures leads for your business
Free uploads of monthly specials
Free consulting regarding types of specials to run
Includes updates and future feature upgrades
Ability to run your own one-day-only voucher special uploads
Customer support for your clients
Increased Spa Partner's online revenue by 60% in 2019
Access to ShopSpa's knowledgebase to increase sales - based on experience gathered from sending over 10 000 vouchers